Conquering my fear of knitting in public

Photo: Nick Casale

Photo: Nick Casale

It’s something that seems so silly, but getting my knitting needles out while I’m out and about is a scary idea...

Public transport is pretty amazing. The fact that I don't need to jump in my car and sit in stopped traffic every morning and every evening is excellent. It frees up my mind to be invested in other more worthwhile activities. One of which I've always wanted to do, but have always been too nervous and worried to attempt, is knitting on the train.

I'd pack my knitting in my work bag, always living in hope that I'd be able to work up the courage to pull it out and start clacking needles. But inevitably, all the knitting equipment would remain hidden out of sight until I was safely off the train and tucked up in my safe space — home. 

That was until this week. Something came over me one day — it was actually a wonderful creation idea that I'll share with you next week — and I just couldn't stop myself from setting myself up in a comfy spot on the train and whipping out the needles. And once they were out, they haven't retreated! Every day, whether it's on the bus or the train, my knitting makes an appearance. And to my surprise, barely anyone bats an eyelid!

So far I've had zero of the usual, "Oh, it's so rare to see someone so young knitting,” comments. That could be because perhaps I'm looking older these days? And most people will give me a wee bit of space when they see the needles in my hands. I do admit I can be pretty annoying when I get into it and my needles are flying all over the show. I am known to hit the side of the train fairly often.

All in all, I do feel like I've wasted a lot of time by not knitting on public transport before. But there is a limit. I couldn't, for example, knit my giant cardis on the train. They just take up too much room. It's definitely suited for the smaller, daintier projects. 

KnitLara Wyatt